El proyecto

A safe haven for the poor and hungry people of Guarambaré

A special place filled with love.

Father Marcos urgently needs your help to build a safe haven for the poor and hungry in Guarambaré, Paraguay.  The Center will be called the Marcelino Pan y Vino Center and it will be a place of refuge, a clinic, a school, and a training center. It will offer nourishment for the mind, body and soul: it will feed the hungry, give help and guidance to the lost, and provide hope to the young. It will be an oasis and a lifeline for so many people who have nothing. 

How you can help

By giving a generous donation to this Saint Anthony's Feast Day Appeal you can help Father Marcos to realise his dream of helping every poor and hungry person who comes to his door.

A new canteen

The current canteen serves over 100 meals a day, but it is too small to accommodate everyone who needs it. You can help to build and equip a larger space that can welcome and feed more families.

A new training center

Another work of great importance is the construction of a training center to provide pastoral care for children, cooking and bread-making classes for mothers on low incomes,  naturopathic medicine courses for families with limited resources, and educational support for children with learning difficulties.

Father Marcos urgently needs your help to build his safe haven for the suffering people of Guarambaré. 


Referente: Fr. Marcos Wilk, OFMConv

Tags: POOR hungry refuge clinic SCHOOL training center.