Beneficiari del progetto: 300 donne e 150 anziani. | Caritas Sant'Antonio ONLUS

Beneficiari del progetto: 300 donne e 150 anziani. | Caritas Sant'Antonio ONLUS

Semplici bagni possono essere una grande ricchezza.... 

"It gives me immense pleasure to draw this letter of thanksgiving your generous heart and mind to contribute for our project is very appreciable.  Absense of a Sanitation complex was a very grate hindrence in carrying out the spiritual and social activities, organize mass gatherings of children, women, youth and the pious associations for trainings, meetings, consultations, competitions etc.  At times women are totally deprived of privacy and scope for practicing their health and hygiene.

            Therefore your generous heart has helped us. (il vostro cuore generoso ci ha aiutato). Fr. Johnson


Project relation: 
Costruzione bagni nella parrocchia
Update date: 
Sabato, 10 Dicembre, 2016