Fr. Joby Anthony ringrazia di cuore per il dono ricevuto dell'acqua! | Caritas Sant'Antonio ONLUS

Fr. Joby Anthony ringrazia di cuore per il dono ricevuto dell'acqua! | Caritas Sant'Antonio ONLUS

I bring you warm greetings from all the people of ST.JUDE CATHOLIC PARISH-OSIA in the Archdiocese of Tororo most especially the beneficiaries of the Project.

With a lot of joy, we wish to register our heartfelt thankfulness to you and all the members of Caritas Antoniana along with all those in the Projects Office for all that was done in studying and accepting our project.

May God continue to bless your plans and all your/our donors plus all the kind-hearted people for being good to us the people in need.


The estimated number of those who have and are to benefit from the Project is over 260,000 directly or indirectly. They include the builders, Priests and staff in the Parish Mission, the faithful of the Parish Community, people around the Church, students from the Primary School

at the Parish, those from other schools who usually come for various activities. Lastly but not least, the Pilgrims from within and beyond the Archdiocese who come for prayers on the SALVATION HILL and to the DIVINE MERCY CHAPEL every first THURSDAY and

FRIDAY of the month.


Il numero di persone che beneficeranno dell'acqua sono oltre 260.000, tra cui sacerdoti, parrocchiani, bambini della scuola e i pellegrini che si recano a pregare sulla "Collina della salvezza" e alla cappella della Divina Misericordia ogni primo giovedì e venerdì del mese.



Project relation: 
Scavo pozzo per la comunità
Update date: 
Venerdì, 12 Giugno, 2015