I pannelli sono stati installati sul tetto... | Caritas Sant'Antonio ONLUS

I pannelli sono stati installati sul tetto... | Caritas Sant'Antonio ONLUS

Mrs. Benedata Agwanda ci scrive la sua testimonianza

Am benedata Agwanda a forty two year old widow living in Kiranda village next to St. Paul of the Cross Golgotha Centre. Before the installation of this project i used to suffer from waterborne infection as a result of consumption of dirty water from the lake. This made me incur huge cost in paying for medical expenses and also limiting my ability to work. But with the implementation of this solar pumping water project, me and the local communities can now easily access clean water and i believe we are protected from waterborne infection forever.

God indeed bless Caritas Antoniana for this wonderful gifts

Grazie alla pompa a pannelli solari le malattie legate all'acqua sporca saranno un ricordo spiacevole...

Dio benedica la Caritas Antoniana per questo immenso dono!

Project relation: 
Batteria solare per luce e acqua in centro formazione
Update date: 
Domenica, 23 Ottobre, 2016